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UPDATED Download Nghị định 96 2016 Nđ-cp


Download nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp: What is it and why should you care?

If you are involved in any of the following sectors or activities in Vietnam:

  • Production of seals

  • Security services

  • Fireworks

  • Pawnshops

  • Massage services

  • Equipment for priority vehicles

  • Subscript and superscript text

Then you need to know about nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp (Decree No. 96/2016/NĐ-CP), which regulates these sectors or activities in terms of security and public order.

download nghị định 96 2016 nđ-cp

Nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp was issued by the government on July 1st, 2016, and took effect on the same day. It specifies the conditions, requirements, responsibilities, and penalties for organizations and individuals who invest or do business in these sectors or activities.

In this article, we will show you how to download nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp from official sources, how to read and understand its content, and how to comply with its regulations.

How to download nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp from official sources

Download from the government website

The easiest way to download nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp is from the government website at . Here are the steps to follow:

  • Go to the website link above.

  • Click on the button that says "Tải về" (Download) at the bottom of the page.

  • A pop-up window will appear asking you to choose a format for the file, such as PDF, DOC, or HTML.

  • Select the format you prefer and click on "OK".

  • The file will start downloading to your device.

Here is a screenshot of the website and the download button:

Download from other reputable websites

If you have trouble accessing the government website, or you want to compare different versions of nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp, you can also download it from other reputable websites, such as:

  • (Law Library): This website provides the decree in PDF format, as well as a summary and analysis of its content.

  • (Minh Khuê Law): This website provides the decree in PDF and DOC formats, as well as a commentary and a comparison with previous decrees.

  • : This website provides the decree in PDF and HTML formats, as well as a translation into English.

How to read and understand nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp

The structure and main sections of the decree

Nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp has a total of 40 articles, divided into six chapters. The chapters are:

ChapterTitleNumber of articles

IGeneral provisions1 - 4

IIConditions for investment and business in security and public order sectors or activities5 - 16

IIILicensing, certification, and permitting procedures for security and public order sectors or activities17 - 28

IVResponsibilities of organizations and individuals involved in security and public order sectors or activities29 - 34

VInspection, examination, and handling of violations in security and public order sectors or activities35 - 38

VIImplementation provisions39 - 40

The key terms and definitions in the decree

Nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp uses some key terms and definitions that are essential to understand its content. Some of these terms are:

  • An ninh (Security): The state of being protected from threats or dangers that may harm the national sovereignty, independence, unity, territorial integrity, national interests, national security, social order and safety, people's lives, health, property, honor and dignity.

  • Trật tự (Public order): The state of being organized and regulated according to the law and social norms, ensuring the harmony and stability of social relations.

  • Ngành (Sector): A field or domain of economic or social activity that has specific characteristics and requires specific conditions for investment or business.

  • Nghề (Activity): A type or form of work or service that is performed within a sector or independently from a sector.

  • Cơ quan có thẩm quyền (Competent authority): The state agency that is authorized by law to issue licenses, certificates, permits, or other documents related to investment or business in security and public order sectors or activities.

  • Tổ chức năng (Functional unit): A unit that is established within an organization or enterprise to perform a specific function or task related to security and public order sectors or activities.

  • Đơn vị kinh doanh (Business unit): A unit that is established within an organization or enterprise to conduct business activities related to security and public order sectors or activities.

The main requirements and conditions for each regulated sector or activity

Nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp regulates seven sectors or activities in terms of security and public order. These are:

  • Production of seals

  • Security services

  • Fireworks

  • Pawnshops

  • Massage services

  • Equipment for priority vehicles

  • Subscript and superscript text

For each of these sectors or activities, the decree specifies the following requirements and conditions:

  • The scope and object of regulation

  • The conditions for investment or business, such as legal status, capital, facilities, equipment, personnel, etc.

  • The procedures for obtaining licenses, certificates, permits, or other documents from the competent authorities

  • The validity period and renewal process of the licenses, certificates, permits, or other documents

  • The rights and obligations of the organizations and individuals involved in the sectors or activities

  • The inspection and examination methods and frequency of the competent authorities

How to comply with nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp

The responsibilities of organizations and individuals involved in regulated sectors or activities

Nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp requires organizations and individuals who invest or do business in security and public order sectors or activities to comply with the following responsibilities:

  • To meet the conditions and requirements specified by the decree for each sector or activity

  • To obtain and maintain valid licenses, certificates, permits, or other documents from the competent authorities for each sector or activity

  • To report and provide information to the competent authorities as required by the decree for each sector or activity

  • To cooperate with the competent authorities in the inspection and examination of their compliance with the decree for each sector or activity

  • To respect and protect the rights and interests of customers, partners, employees, and other stakeholders in their sectors or activities

  • To prevent and handle any violations or incidents that may occur in their sectors or activities

The penalties for violating nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp

Nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp also stipulates the penalties for violating its regulations for each sector or activity. The penalties include:

  • Fines ranging from 5 million VND to 200 million VND depending on the severity and nature of the violation

  • Suspension of licenses, certificates, permits, or other documents for a period of time depending on the severity and nature of the violation

  • Revocation of licenses, certificates, permits, or other documents in case of serious or repeated violations

  • Criminal prosecution in case of criminal acts related to security and public order sectors or activities


Nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp is an important legal document that regulates seven sectors or activities in terms of security and public order in Vietnam. It aims to ensure the safety and stability of social relations, as well as the protection of national interests, national security, and people's lives, health, property, honor and dignity.

If you are involved in any of these sectors or activities, you need to download nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp from official sources, read and understand its content, and comply with its regulations. By doing so, you will not only avoid any legal troubles, but also contribute to the development and prosperity of your country.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some of the most common questions and answers about nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp:

What is the purpose of nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp?

  • The purpose of nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp is to regulate the investment and business conditions for seven sectors or activities that have a direct impact on security and public order in Vietnam. These sectors or activities are production of seals, security services, fireworks, pawnshops, massage services, equipment for priority vehicles, and subscript and superscript text.

Who needs to comply with nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp?

  • Any organization or individual who invests or does business in any of the seven sectors or activities regulated by nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp needs to comply with its regulations. This includes domestic and foreign entities, as well as state and non-state entities.

How can I obtain a license, certificate, permit, or other document for my sector or activity?

  • You can obtain a license, certificate, permit, or other document for your sector or activity by following the procedures specified by nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp and submitting the required documents to the competent authority. The competent authority may vary depending on the sector or activity, but it is usually the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, or the provincial People's Committee.

How long is the validity period of a license, certificate, permit, or other document?

  • The validity period of a license, certificate, permit, or other document depends on the sector or activity, but it is usually between one and five years. You can renew your license, certificate, permit, or other document before it expires by following the same procedures as obtaining it.

What are the penalties for violating nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp?

  • The penalties for violating nghị định 96/2016/nđ-cp include fines ranging from 5 million VND to 200 million VND, suspension or revocation of licenses, certificates, permits, or other documents, and criminal prosecution in case of criminal acts. The penalties vary depending on the severity and nature of the violation.



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