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Silverfast ai studio 8 2 12: A Guide for Beginners and Experts


A further feature of the Studio- and SE Plus-Version is the AACO Auto-Adaptive Contrast Optimization. This function works fully automatically, optimizes the dark image areas with a low contrast by keeping sufficient drawing in the bright areas. The studio version can also save images in JPEG2000 format and save ITPC comments in the single image files.

Silverfast ai studio 8 2 12

More highlights of the studio version are available in the image processing: At many features there is an expert-mode available. If you activate this you have a lot of extra parameters for the fine adjustment of the image optimization. There is also a 16-Bit Histogram. With this you can make your settings for the black- and whitepoint and midtones. Depending on your selection you can view combined or separated color channels. Also the choice between RGB and CMY mode is possible with the 16 Bit Histogram. Masks and layers can be used for iSRD and the selective color correction with SilverFast Ai Studio. This is especially for Kodachrome and black-and-white pictures. Editing your own NegaFix profiles will cause much better results for negatives. And the Jobmanager is a batch tool for making scanning much more comfortable.

The SilverFast ArchivSuite is a bundle of two SilverFast-products, SilverFast Ai Studio and SilverFast HDR Studio. With SilverFast Ai Studio, raw scans can be generated that are later processed in SilverFast HDR Studio and further processed to definite image files. For further information of both studio versions, see above. There is also the opportunity to purchase the SilverFast SE Archive Suite. This bundle contains SilverFast SE Plus and SilverFast HDR Studio.

silverfast are unclear about which version of 8 actually works with 5400 mark one. does the software use its own driver to see your minolta? you cannot use dimage software on windows 10 32 bit and silverfast stopped 32 bit support so a bit fogged. anyone care to tell me their current setup? or i go mac?

Whereas if we talk about Silverfast then it offers different type of package such as for SilverFast HDR to HDR studio upgrade, you have to pay $199, for SilverFast HDR to HDR studio Photoproof pay $679, for SilverFast Ai 6.x to HDR studio ( for upgrade) pay $399, for full version pay $499. 2ff7e9595c


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