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How to Access the Bangladesh Fire Service Rules 1961 PDF Online


38F. Powers and procedureof the Wage Commission. - Subject to any rules ofprocedure which may be prescribed, the Wage Commission may, forthe purpose of fixing rates of wages and determining other termsand conditions of service, exercise the same powers and followthe same procedure, so far as may be and with the necessarymodifications, as the Commission may exercise or follow for thepurpose of adjudicating an industrial dispute under thisOrdinance.

(8) Subject to any rules made bythe Provincial Government in this behalf, the Officer may, forthe purpose of enquiry under sub-section (1), within the locallimits for which he is appointed, enter with such assistants, ifany, being persons in the service of Pakistan, as he thinks fit,in a factory where he has reason to believe an illegal strike orlock-out to be in progress, and make such examination of thepremises and plant and of any registers maintained therein andtake on the spot or otherwise such evidence of persons andexercise such other powers as he may deem necessary for carryingout the purposes of this section.

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